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Code of Conduct & Discipline Procedures

Chico Junior Panthers Football & Cheer is dedicated to promoting football and cheer among the youth of our community, and to providing instruction and understanding related to football and cheer in a safe, positive and fun environment. Our objective is not only to teach area youths the fundamentals and rules of both sports, but to also help each athlete achieve an understanding of how football and cheer develop and promote positive life qualities such as teamwork, discipline, respect, effort, perseverance and physical fitness; qualities which they will practice both on the field and in life. We support our objectives through our commitment to:

SYF CODE OF CONDUCT AS A PARENT, COACH, or ADMINISTRATOR, I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child and/or the athletes in youth sports by following this Code of Conduct and ethics: 
(1) I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports event recognizing that youth and adult participation is a condition privilege and not a right. 
(2) I will insist that my child and/or the athletes play in a safe and healthy environment. I acknowledge being trained on concussions and head injuries, and I shall strictly following all concussion laws, rules, protocols, and full-contact practice limitations. 
(3) I will require that my child’s coaches, or those with whom I am working, be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that coaches uphold this Code of Conduct, leading by example and being a mature responsible role model. 
(4) I will support coaches and officials working with my child or athlete in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all in a sports environment which is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all youth sports events. 
(5) I agree the sports (football and cheer) is a privilege for youth - not the adults. I agree in the event a claim or legal action for any reason is alleged by me, or against me or my child (against a team, SYF, or its members) that for due process and risk minimization SYF shall immediately suspend any further participation (for my child and I in SYF and its teams) until proof of proper resolution is received by the Commissioner. 
(6) I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child and the athletes recognizing that winning is not the goal - teaching my child and the athletes the importance of team work and discipline is first and foremost. I will ask my child and the athletes to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability and I will refrain from cursing, vulgar language and any other detrimental or unsportsmanlike conduct understanding I alone am responsible for my actions. 
(7) I will help my child and the athletes enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, providing transportation, or otherwise assisting the team. 
(8) I will read the National Standards for Youth Sports, doing what I can to help SYF as well as all youth sports organizations implement and enforce them. I understand football and cheer are physically demanding and physical harmful contact will occur. 

AS AN ATHLETE AND PARTICIPANT IN SACRAMENTO YOUTH LEAGUE, I understand commitment, hard work and dedication will be required by me before I can wear the colors of the team. Once I have tried out and made the team, I have accomplished an achievement for which I can be proud. Being a member of the team means much more than just learning about and playing football or being a cheerleader. As an athlete, both on and off the field, I am a representative of SYF/Team and expected to act accordingly. 
(1) I understand as an Athlete I am to maintain an academic standard at 2.0 (“C” average) during the season or risk being benched or dismissed from the team/organization. Grade checks may be performed at random. 
(2) I understand I am to maintain good citizenship. Fighting, misconduct, vulgar or derogatory language, cursing, or disrespect can lead to being dismissed from SYF or the team. Any athlete who has an altercation at school or with law enforcement authorities or is observed displaying conduct (anytime, anywhere) below the acceptable standards of an athlete may face suspension from SYF. 
(3) I understand Athletes are responsible for notifying their coach if they will be absent from a practice or game. Missing a practice or game will hurt both my team and may be reason for not playing in games. If I have too many absences, I may be suspended from SYF or the team. 
(4) I am expected to come to practices and games prepared and ready to give 100%. An athlete may be benched at a practice or dismissed due to too many absences, not giving 100%, failure to know plays or routines, being out of condition, and/or not following SYF or team rules. 
(5) I will treat their coaches, teammates, officials, and adult authority figures with respect. 
(6) I am responsible for the maintenance of my equipment and uniforms. Uniforms must be washed regularly. I will report all equipment problems to my coach immediately. If I lose my uniform or equipment I am financially responsible to replace it. 
(7) I agree to follow all rules and policies for SYF and my team. ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS MUST SIGN. I/We, have read, understand, agree, and will abide by the above, certifying I am a legal parent authorized to sign. I/We have voluntarily signed, understanding if I/we violate this Code of Conduct I/we shall be subject to immediate termination or suspension from SYF or the team.

ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS MUST SIGN. I/We, have read, understand, agree, and will abide by the above,
certifying I am a legal parent authorized to sign. I/We have voluntarily signed, understanding if I/we violate this
Code of Conduct I/we shall be subject to immediate termination or suspension from SYF or the team/organization.

CJP has adopted a Code of Conduct via the registration process. Additionally, we have adopted the following guidelines for discipline procedures:
Chico Junior Panthers
Discipline Procedures
OffenseDisciplinary Action
Level 1 Violations
Practice/Game Disruptions
Excessive Tardiness
Program Violations:
Dress Code
Excessive Profanity
Poor Sportsmanship
Unexcused Absences
Verbal Warning-Single Opportunity for Improvement
Level 2 ViolationsCorrective
Disciplinary Referral
ISS/OSS (for any reason)
3rd Level 1 Violation
Excessive Unexcused Absences
Disrespectful Confrontation with Fellow Athlete
Verbal Warning-Multiple Opportunities for Improvement
Suspension and/or Loss of Playing Time
Duration Depends on Severity of Infraction (up to Coaches, if appealed can be overruled by Board)
Level 3 ViolationDismissal
Persistent Misconduct in Athletics
Insubordination/Disrespectful Confrontation with Coach or Official
Removal of the athlete or parent from the entire program
Length of Time Determined by Head Coach (if appealed, can be overruled by Board)
Permanent Suspension will result in a Certified Letter
Appeal Process
Board will not overrule Coaches decision unless there is overwhelming and clear evidence that the decision was not made based on the Discipline Procedures.
Appeals can be made to Roger Cruz, and sent to [email protected]
Additional Rules
There is a 48-Hour Rule
If you are angry about a coaching decision, or any element during a game, DO NOT APPROACH THE COACHES VIA IN PERSON, PHONE OR EMAIL UNTIL 48 HOURS AFTER THE END OF THE GAME.
Violation of this rule is a Level 2 Violations
More than three Level 1 offenses will result in a level 2 violation. More than 1 Level 2 violations results in a Level 3 violation.
Must Adhere to the SYF Code of Conduct
Opportunity for improvement with an emphasis on sport-specific physical activity. All punishments must be completed prior to participation in a contest.Corrective
Practice during the suspension is required, but participation in (all or part) or travel to a competition is prohibited until suspension is completed.Suspension
Removal of athlete or parent from entire athletic program.
The Head Coach will determine the use and
length of the dismissal.

Chico Jr. Panthers

901 Esplanade 
Chico, California 95926
Email : [email protected]
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